Tuesday 7 December 2010

Preparation for genital surgery

Preparation for genital surgery
In advance of a genital surgery it is advisable to take some precautionary measures that can positively impact the treatment and subsequent healing.

14 days prior to treatment may no blood-thinning agents, such as head pain medication taken. The physician determines individually what form of anesthesia is chosen for the operation. For the compatibility of anesthesia, it is important that the woman has taken twelve hours before the treatment, no food.

Prior to surgery in the female genital surgery , it is recommended to shave the genital area. In addition, the treatment should take place after the monthly bleeding.

When the labia reduction, the reduction of the mons pubis and the tightening of the vagina excess tissue is removed. The methods used are similar to the one liposuction.

Before the treatment can be done with body fat to increase the external labia or Vaginalverengung by Lipostructure, the wife of corresponding tissue from the thighs, abdomen and buttocks is taken out. The autologous fat must then be prepared accordingly and stored. Usually are between two and five sessions at intervals of about six months, needed to make an enlargement of the labia majora to perform successfully.

The reconstruction of the hymen is generally done in the body's own tissues. Therefore, the genital surgery uses a laser scalpel.

In intimate with liposuction surgery is recommended to wear a compression garment.

It is particularly important that women avoid in the first few weeks of physical exercise and stress. On sports and sexual intercourse should - depending on the extent of surgery - two to four weeks be waived. The same applies to wearing tampons.


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