Sunday 26 December 2010

Vagina Infections - Bidet shower toilet Cultural background of the cultivated intimate care


Vagina Infections

Bidet shower toilet
Cultural background of the cultivated intimate care

Bidets allow a careful anal and genital hygiene. It keeps you healthy and helps the healing of vaginal fungal disease and hemorrhoids.

Fidel Castro owes his life to a bidet

Hardly anyone knows that a bidet has written contemporary history: Back in 1959, Ilona Marita Lorenz was the mistress of Fidel Castro. Eight and a half months took the liaison between the German and Cuban revolutionary leader. Later, Marita Ilona Lorenz poison the Prime Minister of Cuba on behalf of the CIA and the Mafia. But she threw the pills out of love to the bidet, and Castro remained in the world. Is not well known about the origins of the bidet: As a simple office pool, it should have been known since ancient times. To flush the vagina before and after coitus it is mentioned in Greek marriage contracts, reports the Museum of Contraception and Abortion in Vienna. In its current form, that of the French furniture maker there in the late 17th or early 18 Century have been invented. At that time, the bidet was still in the bedroom. It was not until the 20th Century sanitary engineering, developed the bidets walked into the bathroom. Today, the bidet in southwestern Europe, the Arab countries and Latin America is a natural Badutensil, in Germany it has not yet enforced. A shortcoming that foreigners can turn up their noses at the filth of the Germans.

Water cleans gently as toilet paper

Who looks for the first time, a bidet, it usually lasts for a new toilet. But: First, it goes to the toilet first and then again bidet. The seat is rather used to sink to clean the anus and genitals. But as the ancient Greeks believed otherwise, a bidet can not prevent pregnancy. Nevertheless, tangible benefits speak for bathroom furniture: It cleans more thoroughly than toilet paper, and is friendly. This is human suffering with hemorrhoids and benefit women with vaginal infections, but also the elderly and disabled people who are restricted in their movements. The use is quite simple: you set down on the bidet - the other way around either the head or the faucet. The tank can be filled with a plug and seal. Most users, however, prefer to wash under running water.

Showered and blow-dried after the WC-transition

Bidets are now available in different versions - as a floor model or hung on the wall. Some have valves, others a nozzle, spray from the water. Also, can convert a toilet to a bidet. Such "shower toilets" are attached to the rear toilet you can have two nozzles.. A short to clean the anus and a long, can be cleaned with the women of their genital area, some showers and toilets even have heated seats and built-in air dryer, the Po blow dry and vagina after Abdu. In Analerkrankungen doctors advise much to the subsequent installation of a shower and toilets. patients with hemorrhoids disease, polyp-like formations, an incident, incontinence and inflammatory diseases of the skin in this region benefit from it, says Prof. Alfred Huber, a surgeon at Center for the proctology Confraternität Vienna. "In keeping with good care can be said that can be prevented in a large number of people through prophylactic anal hygiene using a shower toilet many diseases in the anal area," he says. And "in existing diseases such as hemorrhoids, make the shower toilet is an important contribution to healing."

Spraying to prevent disappearances of germs

The Viennese gynecologist Dr. Franz Fischler has showers and toilets now recommended for women: "In addition to a pleasant, hygienic cleaning in the anal area, it also has a kind of bidet function, which can be used also for the hygienic, easy cleaning of the external genital area very well, especially during the monthly menstrual period. Lie but the anal and the vaginal opening is very close to each other, creating a germ spreading in the classic cleansing 'is easier than using a shower and toilets. " In fact, bacteria and fungi from the gut often go through a contact infection in the vagina. Gynecologists are therefore not tire of stressing that women after a bowel movement should always wipe from front to rear. In addition, doctors advise women just have a tendency to vaginal yeast from sitz baths as recommended. For fungus sufferers are shower and toilets, but also conventional bidets, therefore, a good addition to their personal hygiene. (Mj)

Thursday 16 December 2010

Venereal disease Female Genital herpes - forever and ever


Venereal disease Female Genital herpes - forever and ever

Once one gets infected with herpes virus, it retains all his life in the body. Particular caution should begin to form when skin blisters and soak them. Then the virus is easily passed.

Each year 20 million new infections
Herpes knows almost everyone. His brother, genital herpes, is less known - but widespread. Each year worldwide become infected over 20 million people newly infected with herpes genitalis. All were infected over 500 million people around the world, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared in the summer of 2008. In Germany, experts estimate, about 15 percent of the population carry the virus, which is more than 12 million people.

Most people become infected during sex
Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It comes in two variants: type 2 (HSV-2) mainly affects the penis, vagina, anus and buttocks, while type 1 (HSV-1) usually causes cold sores. But with poor hygiene, viruses of herpes sores on the mouth can be transmitted to the genital area. This done by smear infection, says the president of the Professional Association of Gynaecologists, Christian Albring?. For example, by unwashed hands, or oral intercourse "Usually transfers genital herpes, however, in vaginal sex.

Typical: small groups of painful blisters
It takes several days and even weeks to get genital herpes is noticeable. In some people the infection is so weak that they do not register and pass the virus unknowingly. Often an infection begins, however, so that the skin tingles and itches. Then form painful blisters filled with yellowish liquid, and are often the little groups. Finally, pop the bubbles up and become ulcers. In addition, the lymph nodes swell in the area and painful. If someone gets genital herpes for the first time, he has often fever and feels ill overall. To heal the ulcers, it may take 2-3 weeks.

Virus remains in the body for life
Even if no bubbles are to be seen, the thing is not over: Those who suffer from genital herpes is to live long virus carriers. After the healing of sores, the virus moves back into the nodes of the supplying nerves. From here you can always migrate to the skin and lead to more relapses. This is often caused by stress, fever, other diseases or during menstruation. In the first years after infection, the symptoms usually occur very frequently and strongly. By the time you answer it. Cure is not genital herpes. The skin sores can be treated well but with ointments and tablets. This prevents the virus from replicating itself.

Annoying but mostly harmless
Normally, genital herpes is not very dangerous. But in people with impaired immune defenses, the virus can affect the central nervous system. The same applies to babies because their immune systems are still developing. In pregnant women with acute genital herpes infection, therefore, most doctors do a c-section so that the child is not contagious at birth.

Beware if the sores wet
If the bubbles blossom and form ulcers, the risk of infection is particularly high. But even in symptom-free period, an infected passed the virus. Serve with small lesions of the skin or mucous membrane. Condoms can protect against infection. Hundred percent sure they are not, especially since they do not cover the whole genital area. Therefore advise physicians to dispense with a herpes outbreak on sex.

Lactobacilli Vaginal infections Sauer makes healthy


Lactobacilli Vaginal infections Sauer makes healthy

Lactic acid bacteria can protect the vagina from infection, because they provide an acid environment. The fungi and bacteria may not. The best time for a lactic acid treatment is after menstruation.

New prevent fungal infections
Silvia is skeptical: "lactic acid from vaginal infections?" But she's right. LIFE LINE expert Dr. Anja Oppenheimer reiterates: "Women who become ill again and again to vaginal yeast, should establish an infection after the flora of the vagina with lactic acid bacteria again."

The reason: lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) are a natural part of the vagina. They provide an acidic environment that prevents the spreading of fungi and bacteria. Is not the vaginal environment acidic enough, it can lead to infection. Lactic acid products are available as gel, tablets and suppositories to buy it in pharmacies.

Lactobacilli are able to align even more often if a vaginal yeast already underway, judging Oppelt. "If you suspect an incipient fungal infection, a woman can therefore attempt to stabilize the flora of lactic acid bacteria," says the gynecologist. "If but within 2-3 days, no significant improvement, the probability is low that the vaginal fungus disappears thereby." Then the woman of the infection with an antifungal agent to move body to get rid of the symptoms.

Bacteria make an end
Even with vaginal infections caused by bacteria, lactic acid is useful. Because the antibiotics to counter the germs, irritate the lining of the vagina. Lactobacilli may help her regenerating power. And even more: One study found that the combination of the antibiotic metronidazole with lactic acid is more effective than monotherapy with the antibiotic.

Since bacterial vaginal infections can lead to miscarriages and premature births, pregnant women should control the pH in her vagina regularly. If the pH value above 4.5 should consult your obstetrician and the pregnant woman may use a lactic acid product to regulate the pH and to stabilize.

How useful it is when a pregnant vaginal pH measure regularly and keep in a stable acidic environment, a model project finished in five states, in which scientists were evaluating more than 150,000 births. The result: Of the women who controlled twice a week, its pH, had only 0.49 percent of premature births before 32 Week of pregnancy, without self-monitoring, the rate was 0.79 percent.

Lactic acid gels can be quite condoms
If lactic acid is in the form of tablets, as a suppository or gel the right thing, every woman must try, said gynecologist Dr. Oppenheimer: "The tolerance may be different." One advantage of lactic acid gel is that it is not attacking condoms. By lactic acid suppositories latex, however, can be porous and tear.

A lactic acid treatment should begin after menstruation, Prof. Dr. Klaus Friese said of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics. At this time, the vaginal environment quite dry and therefore particularly vulnerable. This is mainly due to the low levels of the hormone estrogen at the beginning of the cycle. LIFE LINE expert recommends Dr. Oppelt, lactic acid-gel or suppository inserted into the vagina at night. Thus, the body heat, the preparation is not as strong liquefy it from the vagina back out running.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Vaginal dryness


Vaginal dryness

As a woman maintains her private region is best

It itches, it burns and hurts sex - vaginal dryness can enforce a woman pretty. With proper treatment and care can often solve the problem, however.

Vaginal dryness

Increased risk of infection
A dry vagina is a topic to talk about the women affected not so much. This affects not only the evil the well-being and sexual pleasure for both partners. Their natural moisture and protects the vagina from diseases such as fungal and other infections. It therefore makes sense in several ways to ensure a healthy moisture in the vagina.

Step number one is, together with the doctor to find out why the vagina does not have enough moisture, and then initiate the proper treatment and care. Vaginal dryness often occurs due to a fungal infection.

Lactic acid products are the first choice for a fungal infection
When women complain to a fungal infection of vaginal dryness, which is a consequence of inflammation. Because the fungus schilfert the top layer of skin into the vagina. Of these, the skin recovers only slowly, since it needs to build cell layer by cell layer again. "It usually takes three to five weeks," says LIFE LINE expert Dr. Anja Oppelt. To help the body to the woman products that may contain lactic acid (such as a Milchsäurekur), insert into her vagina. This sour to the milieu in the vagina - as it is on a healthy woman by nature of the case. Thus, the vaginal flora is regenerated and stabilized held fungi and bacteria in check and prevent infection.

When lactic acid products customers currently have a choice between gel, tablets and suppositories. What form is most effective, must try a woman, says Dr. Oppenheimer: ". Biocompatibility can be different" One advantage of lactic acid gel is that it allows condoms intact. Lactic acid suppositories, however, can attack rubber. Moreover, here the additional moisturizing aspect is observed, which is especially important for a vaginal dryness. Suppositories and vaginal tablets cause any additional moisture.

Vaginal Dryness

If there is a lactic acid preparation alone can not manage to regenerate the lining of the vagina, "a woman can also use for some time an estrogen preparation," advises LIFE LINE expert Oppelt.'s The doctor recommends, in particular, women who suffer repeatedly from vaginal fungus because the mucosa is mistreated accordingly.

Estrogen preparations help in the menopause and after childbirth
In women after menopause, the hormonal change is mostly to blame when a vaginal dryness occurs. As the estrogen level drops, the properties of the skin change in the vagina. It is poor circulation, may lose elasticity and regress with time. In addition, the glands produce less mucus in the cervix. The result is a so-called Scheidenatrophie.

Even in women who are not yet in menopause, can lead to lower estrogen levels be the cause of vaginal dryness. often complained about women who have long taken a contraceptive pill, said Dr. Oppenheimer. The pills contained estrogen ethinyl estradiol may result in the low dose used to be that mature in the vagina too little estrogen in place and the mucosa thinner and less.

Nursing women also suffered often in a dry vagina, said Dr. Oppenheimer. Because after a birth, estrogen levels fall off sharply and remains low as long as the woman breastfeeding her child. This can also be felt in the vagina.

To treat vaginal dryness, resulting from low estrogen levels, there are medicines that contain a low dose estrogen. As women they apply locally acting hormones instead of the entire body. They do not represent hormone therapy, gynecologists and keep potential concern, therefore, unfounded. are estrogen preparations for the vagina it as a cream, suppository and ovule.

Sunday 12 December 2010

The bacterial vaginosis is different from a vaginal yeast


The bacterial vaginosis is different from a vaginal yeast

If it itches and burns in the genital area, increased vaginal discharge and genital odor is noticed, it can have various causes. Maybe a vaginal yeast behind it, maybe a vaginal infection by bacteria (bacterial vaginosis). The differences include:

1.The symptoms

1.1 - Fungal infection

- Itching
- Burning in the vaginal area
- friable whitish discharge, which later thin
- Redness and swelling
- sometimes pain during urination
- sometimes pain during sex

1.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- unpleasant, fishy odor
- grayish to pale yellow bubble discharge that is thin
- occasional mild pain
- sometimes pain during sex
- pH in the vagina than 4.5. Can be determined with a special glove (or indicator paperstrips)

2.The causes

2.1 - Fungal infection

- Usually caused by the yeast Candida albicans. An imbalance in the vagina, mellitus, for example through the use of antibiotics, by conditions such as diabetes, through changes in hormone production during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, stress, by excessive personal hygiene. Fungus are transmitted for example by wrong toilet hygiene, through shared towels, whirlpools and in sexual intercourse if the partner is infected.

2.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- Usually caused by Bacteria - A defective colonization of the vagina with intestinal bacteria. Changes in the vaginal environment, such as by stress, by changes in hormone levels, the menstrual bleeding. Bacteria are often transmitted during sexual intercourse.

3.The risks

3.1 - Fungal infection

- Can be transferred at a birth to the child

3.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- An increased risk of gynecological inflammations, such as the uterus or fallopian tubes, which at worst can lead to infertility. In pregnant women increases the likelihood of bacterial vaginosis on preterm labor, a premature rupture of membranes and fruit prematurely.

4.The therapy

4.1 - Fungal infection

- Can be treated with creams and vaginal tablets, which is also available without prescription at pharmacies.

- It is important to adhere to the instructions on the package and the treatment with the antifungal drug for as long as specified conduct, even if no complaints more noticeable.

- A doctor visit is necessary, if it occurs after about three days of antifungal therapy, no improvement, keep occurring, fungal infections, pregnancy and there is doubt whether it is in fact vaginal fungus.

- Following a vaginal fungal treatment, a Milchsäurekur for a healthy vaginal environment and thus provide support for the contested vaginalis here to regenerate.

4.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- A bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics, for example in the form of vaginal cream, suppositories or tablets.

- Pregnant women should treat bacterial vaginosis even when they have no symptoms, especially as this increases the risk of preterm birth. This further helps the gynecologist.

5.The precautionary

5.1 - Fungal infection

- Wipe the toilet accessible from the front to rear.

- Wash the genital area as possible with clean water.

- You should not use sprays.

- Do not use air-tight panty liners.

- Wear the cotton underwear and change it every day

- Do not use tight, synthetic clothing.

- Out of your wet bathing suits are made immediately.

- Sit in the sauna always on your towel.

- Use of sex condoms with a new partner.

- With increased vulnerability, can strengthen the vaginal flora with a Milchsäurekur.

5.2 - Bacterial vaginosis

- Having sex with a new partner you should always use condoms.

- Avoid stress and build him a targeted manner.

- Check the pH in the vagina. There are a glove with a finger mounted on pH paper.

- At high sensitivity, it is recommended, for example, stabilize the vaginal flora on a regular basis with a Lactic acid.

- Wipe the toilet accessible from the front to rear.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Vaginal yeast infections during pregnancy


Vaginal yeast infections during pregnancy and lactation treated properly

Pregnant and lactating women should exercise caution with drugs. For vaginal yeast are suitable agents clotrimazole and nystatin. Also, lactic acid preparations can women use during pregnancy and lactation without worry.

Fungal suspected, the pregnant and lactating women consult their physician

Women who get a baby or mother have just turned to go, very careful with medications. One survey shows for the Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists (ABDA). Thus almost two thirds of all mothers take during pregnancy or lactation no medicines. That's good, because drugs can damage the young - not only in the womb but also through breast feeding. Drugs get into breast milk and may be passed to the infant.

Only recommended medications in pregnancy and lactation
But sometimes it's during pregnancy and lactation without medication. A vaginal yeast infection is an emergency. are creams and vaginal tablets to vaginal yeast it without prescription at any pharmacy to buy. "Pregnant and lactating women should take medication always discuss with your doctor first." The gynecologist knows which agents can use a data subject, without endangering the child: Friedemann Schmidt, vice president of the ABDA advises, but still.

During pregnancy and lactation, two active compounds are suitable for vaginal yeast infections: clotrimazole and nystatin. In both cases, extensive experience militate against a risk to the infant, says the pharmacovigilance and Consultation Centre for Embryonaltoxikologie, an agency of the Department for Health, Environment and Consumer Protection of the State of Berlin.

Wash hands well before breastfeeding
To be sure, advises LIFE LINE expert Dr. Anja Oppelt also: ". Always wash hands well when you have cream on your genital area with an anti-fungal agent and before breast-feeding" This prevents the baby with the preparation comes into direct contact. In addition, no drugs through the skin get into breast milk.

Lactic acid products are not a danger for the baby
Especially for women during pregnancy, a vaginal yeast infection had already, it may be useful to establish a healthy vaginal environment specifically. In order to bring balance to the vaginal flora disturbed one, suitable lactic acid products. Women, preparations, the lactic acid contained in the nursing care without use, doctors have no concerns. Lactic acid preparations are described, for example as a gel in the form of a Milchsäurekur , a week is applied over a long and pleasant moisturizing effect has also (eg KadeFungin ® Milchsäurekur).

A vaginal yeast infection can be prevented by responsible behavior. The most important thing is, after using the toilet always clean from front to rear in order to transfer any mushrooms from the intestine into the vagina. Also advises LIFE LINE expert Oppelt, not to clean the genital area excessively aggressive soaps, vaginal sprays or rinses. Women should also wear light cotton underwear and change them daily. At close, synthetic clothing should also be avoided.

Vaginal itching


Vaginal itching

Genital itching - an allergy or fungus?

Vaginal itching and burning in the region are often attributed to a fungal infection. However, contact allergy to fragrance ingredients in toiletries and detergents increase. Here are the major differences.

With symptoms such as itching and burning in the genital region, it is natural to think of a fungal infection. But not always Vaginalpilz is to blame for such complaints. Especially when an anti-fungal treatment does not improve, there is the possibility that the symptoms are caused by an allergy. Triggers can be fragrances and preservatives in cleansing lotions, sprays, toilet paper or sanitary napkins, which come with the skin and mucous membranes. However, detergent or latex condoms sometimes cause allergic reactions.

Doctors refer to such cases of contact allergy. As with other allergies too, the body reacts to substances that are actually harmless. But the immune system identifies them as foreign and activates specific immune cells. As a result, there is redness and itching at the contact point. In a strong reaction, the skin may swell to form blisters and oozing.

The symptoms but after a few days, but the contact allergy is usually a lifetime. Complaints can be prevented best by the trigger is avoided. There are also special ointments that can relieve the case of contact with the allergen-causing itching and rash.

Often it is not easy to find the trigger of a contact allergy - the complaints are in fact only one to three days after exposure to the allergen. If it is suspected that occur in connection with certain hygiene products or other articles of complaints in the genital area, the course recommends the dermatologist. It can be determined by tests, the existence and content, which substances a contact allergy. If the triggers known, can prevent the discomfort was omitting such substances or cosmetics.

Quark Similar outflow indicates vaginal yeast
If in addition to itching and burning a white, crumbly discharge before, this points more to a vaginal yeast infection. Polluter is usually the yeast fungus Candida albicans. This occurs naturally increased in the intestine and can be transmitted by including washcloths or towels, swimming pools and saunas, and during sexual intercourse if the partner is infected.

To a fungal infection can occur when the vaginal flora becomes unbalanced. This can mellitus, for example, by a weakened immune systems, hormonal fluctuations, diseases such as diabetes, stress or excessive hygiene happen with aggressive soap or sprays.

A vaginal yeast infection can be an anti-fungal agents (antifungal, such as KadeFungin 3) treatment. Often combined preparations containing both vaginal tablets to be inserted into the vagina as a cream for external use, the doctor recommended. Since it is standard therapy for 3 days for non-prescription drugs, they can also be purchased directly at the pharmacy. It is important that the package insert specified application period (usually three or six days) as imposed, even if the symptoms have already subsided. Premature discontinuation of treatment may lead to a recurrence of the fungal infection. If the symptoms after about three days have not faded away, and in any case, a woman doctor should be consulted so that he looks into the matter thoroughly. Perhaps it is a special type of fungus, which does not respond to conventional anti-fungal preparations. The doctor can determine this by taking a vaginal smear and makes him examined by a laboratory.

Friday 10 December 2010

Vagina Tightening Virgin Cream advantages over surgery


Vagina Tightening Virgin Cream advantages over surgery

Vaginal tightening is not only important to the sexual desires, but it has many other advantages, but also under-

1. It is his sexual pleasure
2. It will help you to multiple orgasms
3. Improving the overall shape of the vagina.
4. It slows the menopausal process.
5. It will also get rid of vaginal odor bad.

Vaginal Tightening Surgery

Women, a loose vagina births, frequent sexual encounters or as a result of aging, use of vaginal surgery tighten to have, although this operation is very advantageous in the tightening of the vagina, it costs about $ 5000 and if the woman gives birth to a child vagina will loosen up.

Herbal alternative to surgery

Women active in Asia for centuries and herbal preparations get their vaginas. In the recent past, companies have many herbs formulated these herbal creams and sprays. These creams are very popular with women around the world because they have no side effects, as well as they are small compared with the surgery to take price.

These creams and running within minutes after application decision by contraction of the vaginal wall and also as a natural lubricant, then they get rid of vaginal odor can be applied during use of condoms, do not cause problems when they, because they go no harmful chemicals, and this creams are also helpful in an ongoing improvement in the shape of the vagina and used regularly.

So comparing the two methods of tightening the vagina is very wise to choose a cream or vaginal tightening surgery, because the cream will save you thousands of dollars plus it will help your overall sexual health in the long run.

Effective ways to tighten vagina


Effective ways to tighten vagina

If you suffer from bladder weakness, problems there are many options that you choose, you can help your condition. One of the healthiest ways to function to your bladder again by Kegal exercises, the exercises that strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles that your vagina to support the urethra and the bladder is where your body stores urine. The body then sends the urine from the body through the urethra.

Urinary incontinence can have a significant impact on women's lives. You can avoid participating in their favorite sport or even to leave the house, as the risk of urine leakage. Urinary incontinence can also be a negative body image and / or reduced self-esteem. Despite their frequency, do about 60% of people suffering from urinary incontinence is not professional help for their condition.

Pressure on the perineum, a spot midway between your scrotum and anus, will help to stop ejaculation because this spot reaches through the prostate. It is the prostate that contracts and expands during orgasm and then pushes the semen. Ask your partner to apply this loving pressure for you.

Most women who are just "not" Kegel exercises have minimal results due to the lack of feedback. There is nothing to tell them that if they exercise the right. The most common problem associated with doing Kegel exercises without feedback is the random contraction of the abdominal muscles at the same time as the pelvic floor muscles. When this occurs the abdominal muscles (the bigger and stronger) push down and the pelvic floor and can actually make the problem worse.

Some sex toys aid of the man's erection stimulate the female genitals become more sensitive or enter a different feel normal 'sex. Other Sex Toys offer a 'Environment' for variations in sex orgy known as linen. Sometimes they are used to a person, the difficulties with the naked sex to achieve sexual satisfaction, has to help himself.

Natural creams, this is a safe way, and also an effective, takes time, but also gives you great results. Creams you can give satisfactory results that you always have control and could do the leak and you control the money you spend.

Natural Products - cheaper, and also a very effective method, in contrast to the operational advantage of this method is that the tightness on how closely you want to control it. Natural Cream Products has an advantage that the results to which you want to check the tightness and you can use it safey and at any time if you have the tightness on his way to leave.

Men in general are active and addicted to this, although the vagina is tight, but you are not so active, you will still lose his affection. can be activated always satisfy his needs and also your relationship is stronger than ever before, this is the key to a lasting relationship, because in reality, the longer you stay together, love will fade, but the friendship will always be there.

If your vaginal 'barrel' is excessively big, so the vagina appears to "lose", this can be the following effects: Intercourse is less encouraging. Ability in the air (and from) the vagina - to fart in some parts of the country as Fanny. On a more serious note can lead lax muscles and ligaments to a prolapsed uterus.

Thursday 9 December 2010

How To Get Vagina Tightening


How To Get Vagina Tightening

In recent years, natural medicine has connected immense popularity in large part a consequence of the lack of side effects obtained with it. The main reason why people look for alternative forms of treatment, the dangerous side effects of Western medicine out. For example, if you can certain drugs in allopathic empty stomach damage the liver, but there are no such problems with any of the plants. In this article we are herbs that in tightening the vagina, herbal creams that are always very popular with women who have a loose vagina due to childbirth or aging to be discussed.

Vagina tightening Herbs
There are certain plants that are useful in tightening the vagina. Herbs such as aloe manjakini and are very effective at tightening the vaginal area. The use of these herbs help to increase blood flow in the genital area and helps estrogen, which helps getting rid of vaginal dryness problems share.

How Take These herbs
There are many companies that are tightening vaginal creams and sprays. The two most popular ones I know are virgins Virgin cream and instant spray. These include a combination of herbs that are effective tightening in the vagina. The best thing about these formulations is that they are only for 15-20 minutes before the relationship and it is a proper use helps in constant contraction plus investments in such products to help get rid of the odor and vaginal dryness. The price range of these creams ranges from $ 40 to $ 50, very economical compared to vaginal tightening surgery that could cost you about $ 5.000.

These herbal formulations are worth a try, because they are 100% natural and there is no risk of side effects. You get closer vagina, which is essential for a good sex session, while your partner is the love and closeness, is that you enjoy a better feeling of penetration.

Herbal vaginal tightening cream


Herbal vaginal tightening cream

Almost 70% of the world's population still depends on the form of alternative medicine. For example, Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicine is still widely used in India is rapidly gaining popularity around the world. It is no wonder that the recent introduction of herbal vaginal tightening creams and women were welcomed with open arms. Let us learn more about it.

Popular Products
Two very popular tightening vaginal creams, the high demand for female virgins are virgins cream and instant spray. The best thing about them is that they are made from 100% natural ingredients and there is no risk of side effects and their price is so cheap that everyone can afford to buy one.

Who can these creams
These creams are usually women who have lost their vaginal strength due to aging used, or at birth. Plant in the cream helps to firm the skin and regular use helps to continuously strengthen the vagina.

The main ingredients
Plants that are rich in skin tight properties such as aloe vera and manjikani generally the main ingredients of these herbal creams. These herbs also help in natural lubrication and help in getting rid of vaginal odor.

Herbal formulation for 15-20 minutes before sexual activity applied. Before the application is recommended to wash the vaginal area with water and then with a dry towel and wash your hands thoroughly to avoid any chance of infection. After leaving the application to the vagina for 15 minutes. Then you are ready for penetration.

Other Charges
Herbal vaginal tightening cream to help not only in tightening the vagina, but also get rid of other benefits as a natural lubricant and get of vaginal odor. Plus regular use helps to constantly tightening the vagina.

Side effects vagina tightening cream


Side effects vagina tightening cream

Vagina tightening creams are very popular and effective alternative medicine for tightening the vagina, which was less by birth or aging. In this article we want to know more about these creams and see if they really effective in tightening the vagina, without any side effects.

Ingredients used
Women in Asia, particularly benefit countries such as China, Thailand and India from the advantages of rich natural medicine to improve their sex lives. There are certain herbs such as saw palmetto and manjikani that can help tighten loose skin, is therefore often used in these creams, and anti-aging formulations.

Side effects and precautions
These creams are made from 100% natural herbs and are free of side effects, but it is advisable to refrain from their use, if the vaginal infection, or if you go through menstruation.

Fair Price
The best thing about these creams is that, unlike surgery, which costs thousands of dollars does not cost more than $ 50 and as effective as surgery.

The cream is from 15 to 20 minutes before sexual activity in three-quarters of the vagina and the adjacent surface is applied and allowed to dry. After about 15 minutes from the vagina is stretched at least 30%, so that the feeling of penetration more enjoyable for both partners.

Additional benefits
These herbal creams in addition to the vagina as a natural lubricant to get rid of close to a bad vaginal odor act. Some women reported that regular use for two to three months of her vagina back to its original shape and size, so they do make the experience of teenage sex years.

How to vaginal tightening creams work


How to vaginal tightening  creams work

In the recent past, is a herbal remedy that has changed the lives of women vaginal tightening creams. The problem of the loose vagina encountered women, birth, or, as the other to lose the vagina due to aging or other factors has not been resolved to a large part of these herbal formulations. In this article we want to know more about this herbal cream.

Plants used
This uses vegetable vaginal tightening creams commonly used herbs that are helpful in tightening the skin, aloe and manjikani two such facilities, the level of detail in these plants, such as skin tightening properties.

How to apply
The application of these creams to be fairly simple. Following the instructions I read on one of the sites you sell these creams are regarded as vaginal cream or spray on the range of 15 to 20 minutes before sexual activity. Plants that begin in the herbal preparation work within 5 minutes of application and complete tightening effect is achieved in 15 minutes, is another plus point is that these creams help get rid of vaginal odor, and also help in lubrication.

While the application is recommended by vaginal tightening cream, wash your hands with soap, then wash the vaginal area in order to avoid any infection. It's more than enough to apply it once a day as its effects last for almost 24 hours. Do not use during menstruation and if you have vaginal infection.

Additional benefits
Regular use in the continuing tightening effects often women use it for 1-2 months after receiving permanent seal and help bad vaginal odor problem was cured in more than 90% of cases.

Considering all the advantages of using these herbal creams are truly a blessing of nature for women. They are really worth a try.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Female Vaginal Surgery


Female Vaginal Surgery

It often comes down to a very long time before the plastic surgeon for the correction of the genital area visited. Some women come to a specialist from the aesthetic reasons, others for the health reasons. Modern hospitals now offer a lot of corrections to the external genitalia. Most interventions involve minimal risk and only several days of hospitalization.

The first step before the correction in the genital area is of course a consultation with a doctor. This consultation takes the woman by doctor - a specialist in the problems of Genitalienplastik. The aim of this consultation is to the aesthetic desires of the patient and surgical options for correction as to agree that the end effect would be most satisfactory, and all with a minimum of health risks. The treatment should be based on the monthly bleeding, so you can guarantee optimal conditions for healing. Women who take birth control pills, can move the bleeding-time by taking the pills without Untebrechung, they have greater freedom in the choice of date.

In contrast to the procedures of plastic surgery and vascular surgery carried out on the uncovered areas of the body, you must perform these plastic surgery not only in autumn or winter. The surgery proceeds with the sterillen conditions in the operating room under general anesthesia, with necessary preoperative, specialized medicine (internist) and laboratory treatment.

The postoperative course and healing of the surgical wound is apt to be easy for thorough compliance with all medical recommendations and hygiene measures. After the expected extent of the procedure must be 5 to 10 days of healing, the pain last for about 1-2 days. The hospital stay usually lasts 2 to 3 days (ie 1 to 2 nights). Medical checks, dressing changes, possibly a Aplikation the ice envelopes are a necessary part of the hospitalization, as well as attenuation of postoperative pain. Patients receive effective pain relievers in the form of intramuscular injections, tablets or suppositories used in the rectum. Within the home-cure the patient visited the clinic on the recommendation of the operator.

The procedures described above, pre-operative consultation, laboratory and treatment specialist treatment, anesthesia and hospitalization are not covered by insurance.

Nose Surgery

In the labiaplasty is correction of the labia understood, most often a reduction and eventually forming the small outer lips . The undesirable change in the shape of the lips can be achieved by Nachgeburtsänderung, by accident, or an indigenous native asymmetry hypertrophy of this part of the external genitalia are caused. The reasons for surgery can be both aesthetic and health. The enlarged labia can be problems with walking, sports, sex, etc. cause. Girls and women to this procedure for ages to undergo.

In the surgical procedure, excess skin and fat removed by using the sharp knife and then be sewn Schnittrände with the self-dissolving suture. The stitch-resolution takes about 3 weeks, not the stitches are removed.


Hymen is a hymen that is part of the vagina in women are covered for, which still did not have vaginal intercourse. The reconstruction of the hymen can be a plastic correction of the vagina mucosa by conduct. The best results are achieved in the implementation of this intervention in the shortest possible time after the deflowering. With a scalpel, an incision along the perimeter of the vaginal opening and then was carried out, the seam, the reconstruction of the so-called Hymenkreises terminated. It is again the self-dissolving suture materials used such effects, no allergic reactions of the sensitive mucosa in this area cause.


In this procedure, the plastic of the vaginal opening and (according to the needs and situation) and adjoining parts of the vagina and the perineum understood. It is often the women performed on the acquired deformation of the external genitalia have one. The cause may be a vaginal birth with an extensive injury or birth in a poorly healed episiotomy be, for example. Patients complain of a painful sexual intercourse, in extreme cases, reject them from the painful intercourse. There are also aesthetic concerns. A next group of women who undergo this surgery can do, women are at an advanced age with the lower elasticity of submokosen tissue. By the effect of age, hormonal causes and also the innate dispositions is vaginal opening enlarged and bring it to the less satisfactory sex for both partners to the frequent vaginal irritation or inflammation of the urethra and the unpleasant feelings while walking, setting out etc.. The surgeon selects the optimum method for the type of vaginal opening deformation and on the nature of the complaints. Redundant tissue, part of the vaginal mucous membrane or skin and skin folds of the vaginal opening in the dam area will be removed and the sharp Schnittrände be very careful using the self-dissolving suture sewn.

Combined interventions

The above interventions can be mutually combined according to the wishes and needs of the patient, selbstverstädlich meet about the possibility of the surgeon, this desire.

Other procedures

Among the other operations includes removal of the birthmark , the "classical" warts in the genital area or application of abolition or piercing. On the extent and location of said skin structure can be an easier local anesthesia also choose the form of an intradermal injection or gel applied to skin at least 15 to 30 minutes before the disinfection of the operated area is applied to. The above procedures can be carried out-patient, with the following controls in the outpatient clinic. The unusual skin structure is the procedure by a dermatologist assessed before. The removed tissue is the procedure of histological analysis subjected to.

Possible complications of genital surgery


Possible complications of genital surgery

The methods of genital surgery are generally few complications. In very rare cases a Intimop swelling or redness in the pubic area with. These usually disappear or fade within a few days by itself

After treatment with autologous fat to increase the external labia can occur a short-term numbness.

In general, the privacy zone after a genital aesthetic treatment is extremely sensitive. This Hypersensibiltät can usually within a few days.

Minimal bleeding and inflammation occur according to experience, very few women.

Preparation for genital surgery

Preparation for genital surgery
In advance of a genital surgery it is advisable to take some precautionary measures that can positively impact the treatment and subsequent healing.

14 days prior to treatment may no blood-thinning agents, such as head pain medication taken. The physician determines individually what form of anesthesia is chosen for the operation. For the compatibility of anesthesia, it is important that the woman has taken twelve hours before the treatment, no food.

Prior to surgery in the female genital surgery , it is recommended to shave the genital area. In addition, the treatment should take place after the monthly bleeding.

When the labia reduction, the reduction of the mons pubis and the tightening of the vagina excess tissue is removed. The methods used are similar to the one liposuction.

Before the treatment can be done with body fat to increase the external labia or Vaginalverengung by Lipostructure, the wife of corresponding tissue from the thighs, abdomen and buttocks is taken out. The autologous fat must then be prepared accordingly and stored. Usually are between two and five sessions at intervals of about six months, needed to make an enlargement of the labia majora to perform successfully.

The reconstruction of the hymen is generally done in the body's own tissues. Therefore, the genital surgery uses a laser scalpel.

In intimate with liposuction surgery is recommended to wear a compression garment.

It is particularly important that women avoid in the first few weeks of physical exercise and stress. On sports and sexual intercourse should - depending on the extent of surgery - two to four weeks be waived. The same applies to wearing tampons.

Friday 3 December 2010

Female Genital Surgery - Methods of genital surgery at a Glance


Female Genital Surgery

Methods of genital surgery at a Glance
The methods for intimate surgery are as varied as the motives and causes. For example, large labia can cause pain, but also functional impairments. The Labiaplasty (labia reduction or labia enlargement) is the most commonly requested procedure in the female genital surgery.

The various methods of female genital surgery are explained in detail on the following pages:

Reduction of the labia minora
Usually cover the inner labia lips. If the inner vaginal lips, however, too pronounced, it can extend beyond the outer. The reduction of the labia minora can be accomplished by removing excess tissue.

Reduction of the labia majora
Too big outer labia are viewed by many women as unattractive. Liposuction is a popular method for the reduction of the labia majora.

Enlargement of the labia majora
The outer labia are some women only slightly relaxed form or age. An enlargement of the labia majora is possible with a natural fat-treatment.

Tightening of the vagina
Pregnancies and the natural aging can leave their mark on the vagina. A tightening of the vagina can help.

Vaginalverengung by autologous fat
The birth of one or more children may strain the vaginal tissue and influence on the sexual pleasure. The Vaginalverengung is a way to tighten and rejuvenate the vagina.

Reduction mons
If the Venus hill, and pubis, a woman clearly marked, can be depicted this clearly under clothing. The mons can be reduced during a liposuction.

Reconstruction of the hymen / hymen
The reconstruction of the hymen - hymen - is wanted for various reasons.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Costs of genital surgery

Some women suffer for their own information to an ugly private parts, for example, from too large labia. Through modern genital surgery, the genital region of women will be corrected in order to treat both aesthetic and physical and functional impairments.

Before the costs can be established for the genital surgery, has a detailed discussion held with the attending physician in the patient setting out the wishes and ideas.

Cost Comparison

As the treatment methods of genital surgery are very different, the prices also vary. The following examples are taken from the price MyBody here.

Reduction of the labia minora: from 900 €

Reduction of the labia majora: from 1.200 €

Enlargement of the labia majora: about 150 € per injection

Tightening of the vagina: between 2,500 € and 3,000 €

Vaginalverengung by autologous fat: about 2600 €

Reduction from the mons: from 1.200 €

Reconstruction of the hymen (hymen): approximately 3,000 €

Female Genital Surgery


Female Genital Surgery

The genital area is especially important for women is a very sensitive issue. First studies show that one in four women suffers from "unsightly variations" of the intimate zone. Other studies have shown that between 40 and 60 percent of women in a sexual dysfunction (impairment), more .*

There are many reasons for aesthetic surgical corrections in the female genital region should be considered. These are mainly aesthetic, functional or physical causes.

The natural aging, genetic predisposition, hormonal influences, but also births and significant weight fluctuations can affect the appearance and functions of the female genital area.

Often cause aesthetic reasons, treatment of female genital surgery. Many women find their private parts as little aesthetic. Sufferers dare from shame not to show herself to her partner or to go into the sauna. Some women even pain occurs during exercise, including cycling, or sexual intercourse on.

The discomfort with their own bodies affected in the case, the love and sex life. Thus, physical changes affect the sensitivity and cause functional problems are resolved through the intervention of genital surgery.

Objectives of genital surgery

The Female Genital Surgery offers a variety of methods to correct physical discomfort and dissatisfaction with the aesthetic sensibility. The aim of the genital surgery is the reduction or elimination of physical and mental impairments.

Many women report after treatment with a stronger self-awareness and self confidence in dealing with their bodies.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Have a Healthy Vagina

As an important part of the woman's body, the vagina requires as much attention to hygiene as do other parts of the body to help maintain overall good health. Unfortunately, since the vagina is an embarrassing subject among many women, it is often neglected of basic care. Here is a simple guide to keeping the vagina at least relatively healthy.

1. Keep healthy. This may seem like a no brainer -- keep healthy to keep a healthy vagina. For this you need to minimize sugar intake, and maximize yogurt intake. Why yogurt? Simple, really. The bacteria in your vagina is a certain type that is in only a couple of foods that you can find in the grocery store. It just so happens, though, that yogurt contains good bacteria called acidophilus. Sugar, meanwhile, promotes the type of bacteria that the yogurt bacterias, if you will, try to kill off. So, as said before, minimize sugar, and maximize yogurt, sugar-free preferably.

2. Keep yourself clean. A large cause of infections happen simply because sweat or oils built up until there was nothing for it to do except fester and form an infection. Never fun. So bathe and shower regularly, and try and keep "down there" as clean as possible, without using a douche. Douches clean too much-- they take away some of the bad bacteria, but then they also take away massive amounts of the good bacteria. Unfortunately, the bad bacteria builds itself up, and you're worse off than before. Douching can also lead to increased inflammation (vaginitis). [1] A simple washcloth, with a small amount of mild unscented soap and water works fine, but do not wash inside. [2] The vagina is constantly flushing itself. So allow it to work the way it was designed.

3. Use condoms! Condoms, while helping to protect you against pregnancy, also help keep your vagina clean. Having unprotected sex often can lead to vagina problems as well as the obvious pregnancy and STDs.

4. Use dental dams and gloves If you receive oral sex or are being fingered.

5. Wear cotton underwear. Cotton is very breathable, if you will, and allows the vagina to get air circulating around it. This helps to keep things from building up "down there", and also helps maintain good skin around the vagina area.

6. Take out your old tampons. Leaving a tampon in your vagina too long, more than six hours, is a very bad idea. It can cause a toxic syndrome (TSS), as well as some very disgusting build up. Use smaller size and change sooner. Changing out pads often is also a good idea-- leaving a pad on too long can cause serious irritation to the skin on and around the vagina like diaper rash! So keep the diaper rash at bay, and change your pad throughout the day.

7. Avoid sprays and scented soaps. Actually, try and avoid soaps "down there" as much as possible. They can get caught in the crevices of the vagina and fester. And you have an infection of the vagina in no time at all. Sprays and scented soaps, though, are more damaging, as they are designed to leave a bit behind-- the scent, and you don't want anything left on the skin of your vagina at all. Soaps and bubble baths can also worsen vaginal dryness.

8. Visit your gynecologist regularly. Only your doctor can accurately diagnose any problems you may be having. If you do suspect anything at all, call and make an appointment as soon as you can.

9. Rinse Well. While showering or taking a bath, rinse your vagina with lots of water, especially if you use soap.

Thursday 28 October 2010

10 Tips to Help Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infections

While vaginal yeast infections are rarely serious, you can avoid the uncomfortable symptoms by preventing them from occurring in the first place.

For most women, yeast infection symptoms are just plain annoying — a vaginal yeast infection is rarely dangerous. Still, you can take steps to prevent yeast infections. The following 10 pointers will help you to do just that.

Preventing Vaginal Yeast Infections: Hygiene Sense

Personal care and hygiene can go a long way when it comes to preventing vaginal yeast infections. Be sure to:
Wash well. Keeping the vagina clean will not only keep you smelling fresh, it can also help prevent yeast infections. When bathing, be sure to clean the inside folds of the vagina where yeast is likely to grow, says Samantha Dunham, MD, a gynecologist at the NYU Langone Medical Center and assistant professor of medicine at NYU School of Medicine in New York City.

Dry thoroughly. Because yeast thrives in moist environments, it’s important to dry the entire vaginal area after taking a shower or bath. You may even want to use a blow dryer on a low, cool setting to get rid of excess moisture, says Dr. Dunham.
What to Wear to Prevent Yeast Infections

The way you dress can affect your risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection. To prevent such infections, keep these tips in mind:

Go natural. Cotton and silk underwear absorb moisture, keeping you dry. On the other hand, nylon and other synthetic fabrics hold moisture close to your skin, encouraging the growth of yeast.
Change your clothes. Don’t sit around in sweaty gym clothes or a wet bathing suit. Change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Also, change your underwear often to prevent dampness.
What to Avoid to Prevent Yeast Infections

Some cosmetic products can encourage the production of yeast. You can stay well by:

Not douching. “Douching [washing out the inside of the vagina with liquid] destroys not only harmful bacteria, but also the helpful kind that keep yeast under control,” says Dunham. Douching also washes away the natural protective lining of the vagina, leaving you more susceptible to yeast and other vaginal infections.

Skipping scented soaps, bubble baths, and feminine sprays. Perfumes can be irritating to the sensitive area inside the vagina, and that can increase your risk of getting a yeast infection. Also avoid scented sanitary pads and tampons and colored or printed toilet paper — dyes can also be irritating. “A good rule of thumb is to avoid using anything around the vagina that is scented or dyed or has print on it,” says Dunham.
Limiting the heat. Yeast organisms love warm (and moist) environments. It’s best to avoid taking long hot baths or soaking in a hot tub. Also don’t wear tight clothing that will prevent air from circulating around the crotch area, especially in the summer.

Medications That May Cause Vaginal Yeast Infections

Here's what to know about medication when it comes to keeping vaginal yeast infections at bay:

Watch the meds you take. Antibiotics kill not only bad bacteria, but also good bacteria that can prevent an overgrowth of yeast. “Recent antibiotic use, like for a bladder infection, is one of the most common risk factors for getting a yeast infection,” says Dunham. Taking oral steroids and birth control pills may also increase your risk. If you have frequent yeast infections, talk to your doctor about the medications you take. There may be alternatives available.

Personal Care Tips for Preventing Yeast Infections

As with most illnesses and infections, taking care of your body overall can help you stay healthy. Be sure to:

Get enough sleep. Usually your immune system helps keep yeast under control. But if you get run down from skimping on sleep, your immune system may not be able to do its job. Try keeping a regular sleep schedule and avoiding exercise, caffeine, and heavy meals within three hours of bedtime. Immune-depressing diseases such as diabetes and HIV can also increase the risk of yeast infections. Additionally, if you have diabetes, it's important to keep your blood sugar levels under control to prevent yeast infections.
Change your diet. Some studies suggest that eating yogurt with active cultures may help the body combat an overgrowth of yeast. Dunham also recommends limiting your intake of sugar. There’s some evidence that sugar may help promote the growth of yeast.

Knowing how to prevent yeast infections — and following these pointers — will greatly reduce your risk of dealing with uncomfortable yeast infection symptoms.

Vaginal Bleaching Tips and Solutions

Vaginal bleaching is a sensitive topic that requires some caution as it affects one of the most sensitive areas of the body.  I want to start off by saying the vaginal bleaching is safe and can provide a cleaner, more natural feel.  However, there are some things that you need to be aware of before trying the procedure.

The process of lightening skin, while being a reasonably safe process, is not a natural process and anytime you do something unnatural there is the potential that your body will react.  This is especially important when it comes to lightening sensitive areas such as the vagina, anus, or nipples.  For this reason alone it's important to make a well informed decision and it's a good idea to contact a dermatologist before performing any vaginal bleaching techniques on your own.

That being said, vaginal bleaching can be a safe procedure and do-it-yourself vaginal bleaching is really quite as simple as applying a cream to the area you want lightened.  But before we get into which products work the best for vaginal bleaching, let's take a look at some of the dangers involved

As I mentioned before, the skin lightening process requires that you block the formation of melanin, which is a natural process of the skin.  Scientists have been researching this reaction for years, and have discovered a wide range of chemicals that will inhibit this reaction (Hydroquinone, Alpha Arbutin, Kojic Acid).  While all of these chemicals are very effective in blocking melanin formation, there are long term studies coming out which suggest that the chemical Hydroquinone is linked to increased chances of liver and thyroid damage and even leukemia.  For this reason it has been banned in numerous countries across Europe and Asia.

In addition to the systemic dangers of these chemicals, there is also a risk that a sensitive part of the body, such as the vagina, can have an allergic reaction to some of these chemicals.  Because of this, it's important to test whatever product you choose with just a very small application before using the recommended dosage.

The Best Creams for Vaginal Bleaching
The best creams for vaginal bleaching are going to be ones that are specially formulated for sensitive areas. These creams, while slightly more expensive than normal skin lightening creams, have been prepared using natural ingredients such as vitamin B3, lemon juice, mulberry and bearberry extract, and licorice extract. They have gone through extensive testing to determine which formulation is best for sensitive skin.

One product that is getting glowing reviews is the South Beach Skin Lightening Gel for Sensitive Areas. Its praises include providing easy application and quick results. People have reported noticing a big difference in as little as a week, lightening the vaginal area and making it blend more evenly with the surrounding skin tone. The good news is that uses all natural ingredients that are safe for sensitive regions so there is a little chance of any reaction. The bad news is that it's a bit on the pricey side; but if you're seriously considering vaginal bleaching, then it's worth spending the money to do it right.

Understanding the potential hazards of vaginal bleaching is the key to doing it safely. If you do decide to use a bleaching kit at home make sure that you use one that has safe ingredients that are specially designed for sensitive areas and make sure to test the product out first. If you do notice any burning or discomfort for more than an hour, be sure to contact a doctor or dermatologist.

Vagina too tight

The vagina itself is never too small to accommodate a penis – remember that its walls are stretchy enough to allow a full-sized baby to pass along it. But it can seem too small for sex if the muscles at its entrance go into a spasm when your partner tries to insert his penis. This is a fairly rare condition called vaginismus.

Some women with vaginismus can insert a tampon without any problem, but others find that trying to insert anything – a tampon, a finger or a penis – makes the muscles contract. Women with vaginismus often avoid having cervical smears, because they think it will be painful or impossible.

Very occasionally, the penis cannot be inserted because the hymen (which is the membrane at the entrance to the vagina) is unusually tough, but this is very rare indeed.

How the woman feels. Vaginismus is a very distressing condition. It is very painful if your partner attempts to push his way in, and you may feel wary that he may do this. You may also have feelings of anger, guilt and inadequacy, and fear that your partner may leave you. Some women withdraw from all physical contact – even holding hands – in case it leads to sex.

How the partner feels. Partners are usually confused and worried. Your partner will hate the idea of causing you any pain. He may think that his sexual technique is at fault.

What causes vaginismus? It is really a deep-rooted phobia of penetration, and perhaps of pregnancy or childbirth. The reason is different for each woman: it can result from some unresolved sexual conflict, from sexual abuse or from a belief that sexual activity is undesirable. You may have had a painful vaginal condition that has left you with a conditioned fear of sex.

Vaginismus should not be confused with frigidity; women with vaginismus are often sexually responsive, but can not tolerate penetration.

Treatment. Vaginismus can be helped. Relate, the counselling organization, reports that of 3693 women seen over a 2-year period, 80% improved with therapy.

Psychosexual counselling. The therapy is not at all frightening. You will be taught how to relax your vaginal muscles and eventually to insert a small tampon. In due course you will learn to insert larger tampons. If you have a partner, the therapist will start by telling you not to attempt sex. Instead, you will be encouraged to resume non-genital physical contact in very small steps, such as holding hands, sitting close together or putting an arm round each other. Quite late in the programme, you and your partner will be shown how you can insert his penis yourself, as if it were a tampon; he lies on his back and is not allowed to move at this stage. Only at the very end of the therapy programme will you be encouraged to have proper sex.

What your doctor can do. To get this psychosexual therapy, it is best to talk to your doctor. Explain that you have a problem with sex, and that this problem means that you have not been able to have sex at all. Your doctor will be able to check that there is no physical problem (such as a tough hymen) and will then arrange for psychosexual counselling as outlined above. A few doctors are specially trained in this area and will do the therapy themselves. In the UK, if you do not want your doctor to be involved you can contact Relate (see Useful contacts or look in your phone book for your local branch). Relate provides very good psychosexual counselling, but there may be a waiting list.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Vaginal Tightening surgery

Vaginal tightening

Vaginal tightening/ Vaginoplasty, often referred to as a designer vagina, is a procedure to enhance the feelings of sexual gratification and should allow the woman to receive and give more pleasure when making love. For women who’ve experienced childbirth, vaginal muscles tend to expand during the delivery, the result can often be weak, loose, vaginal muscles. This can be embarrassing, uncomfortable and can even lead to sexual dissatisfaction or difficulty. Even after exercise the condition of the vaginal muscles may not improve. The aim of surgery is to improve the tone of the vagina by tightening the vaginal muscles and supporting tissues.

What does Vaginal Tightening Surgery Involve?
This procedure typically tones vaginal muscle, resulting in greater strength, contraction, and control. Vaginoplasty is a standard gynaecologic surgical procedure. The stretched muscle at the back of the vagina is joined together and shortened with dissolvable stitches, and the unwanted skin is removed. This tightens vaginal muscles and surrounding soft tissues, by reducing excess vaginal lining. The scarring is inside the vagina.

How long does Vaginal Tightening take?
Vaginal tightening is performed either under general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation, and may require an overnight stay. The operation takes around an hour to perform.

What can I expect from Vaginal Tightening?
Your expectations need to be realistic. The result is an immediate decrease the diameter of the vagina, and an increase in the tightness of vaginal muscles. This will also restore the vagina and supporting structures to a pre-pregnancy state.

Recovery after a Vaginoplasty Procedure

What will happen in the recovery period?

You will be sore and possibly a little swollen after surgery. After surgery, you are usually able to walk comfortably within a few days and may return to sexual activities within 4-6 weeks. You will need follow-up checks to ensure that everything is healing properly.

What is the recovery time from Vaginoplasty surgery?
Recovery is quite quick a week after surgery you should be able to return to work. The final result will be seen in around 2-3 weeks following your surgery.