Sunday, 13 March 2011

12 Tips to Protect Abnormal Vaginal Discharge and Infection

12 Ways to Prevent Abnormal Vaginal Discharge and Infection Many factors can play a role in the occurrence of vaginal infections and discharge. What can you do to reduce your risk of vaginal infections? Practicing these simple tips significantly reduces your risk of getting a vaginal infection: 1. Always wear cotton panties. Cotton allows your genital area to breathe, helping it stay dry. It's also a good idea to wear panties only during the day and not at night when you are sleeping. 2. Don't...

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

How to Choose the Right Panties

How to Choose the Right PantiesMany would think that finding the right panty is so easy, although in many cases it is not an easy task at all. There are thousands of styles, colors, fabrics and cuts to choose from that selecting the perfect panty depends only on your personal taste and needs. Today we will give you some smart tips on how to choose the right panty so that shopping for the perfect lingerie will no longer be a headache. Every woman has a weakness for lingerie but finding the right...

Monday, 24 January 2011

VAGINOPLASTY - Vaginal Tightening Surgery

VAGINOPLASTY - Vaginal Tightening Surgery This is also known as vaginal tightening and is the name given to the cosmetic procedure which tones and tightens up loose vaginal muscles often caused by childbirth. This procedure also enhances sexual pleasure and gratification. What is ‘vaginoplasty’? This is a cosmetic procedure which tightens the muscles of the vagina which have become slack as a result of childbirth. It can also enhance lovemaking for women hence why it is often known as a...

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Vaginal Tightening Info

The vast majority of women will develop some sort of vaginal related problem during their lifetime. This is especially true of women who have children, or even multiple children. Childbirth places enormous strain on the vaginal muscles. And most often these muscles will never return to their normal elasticity without being worked out and repaired. Moreover, as women age the muscles that support the urethra and uterus also become weak if not worked out regularly with vaginal tightening exercises....

Monday, 17 January 2011

How can I tighten my loose vagina

Tighten loose vagina... Dear Alice, I have given birth to three children. My last child was delivered without an episiotomy. I have noticed a change in the size of my vagina as a result of this. I am too embarrassed to have sex because I feel too loose. Is this common with multiple childbirths? I am too ashamed to ask anyone this. Please let me know if there is something that can be done to repair my womanhood. Dear Reader, It can be embarrassing to discuss these issues, but many women...

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Vagina Infections - Bidet shower toilet Cultural background of the cultivated intimate care

Vagina InfectionsBidet shower toilet Cultural background of the cultivated intimate care Bidets allow a careful anal and genital hygiene. It keeps you healthy and helps the healing of vaginal fungal disease and hemorrhoids. Fidel Castro owes his life to a bidet Hardly anyone knows that a bidet has written contemporary history: Back in 1959, Ilona Marita Lorenz was the mistress of Fidel Castro. Eight and a half months took the liaison between the German and Cuban revolutionary leader. Later,...

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Venereal disease Female Genital herpes - forever and ever

Venereal disease Female Genital herpes - forever and everOnce one gets infected with herpes virus, it retains all his life in the body. Particular caution should begin to form when skin blisters and soak them. Then the virus is easily passed. Each year 20 million new infections Herpes knows almost everyone. His brother, genital herpes, is less known - but widespread. Each year worldwide become infected over 20 million people newly infected with herpes genitalis. All were infected over 500 million...

Lactobacilli Vaginal infections Sauer makes healthy

Lactobacilli Vaginal infections Sauer makes healthyLactic acid bacteria can protect the vagina from infection, because they provide an acid environment. The fungi and bacteria may not. The best time for a lactic acid treatment is after menstruation. New prevent fungal infections Silvia is skeptical: "lactic acid from vaginal infections?" But she's right. LIFE LINE expert Dr. Anja Oppenheimer reiterates: "Women who become ill again and again to vaginal yeast, should establish an infection after...

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Vaginal dryness

Vaginal drynessAs a woman maintains her private region is best It itches, it burns and hurts sex - vaginal dryness can enforce a woman pretty. With proper treatment and care can often solve the problem, however. Vaginal dryness Increased risk of infection A dry vagina is a topic to talk about the women affected not so much. This affects not only the evil the well-being and sexual pleasure for both partners. Their natural moisture and protects the vagina from diseases such as fungal and other...

Sunday, 12 December 2010

The bacterial vaginosis is different from a vaginal yeast

The bacterial vaginosis is different from a vaginal yeastIf it itches and burns in the genital area, increased vaginal discharge and genital odor is noticed, it can have various causes. Maybe a vaginal yeast behind it, maybe a vaginal infection by bacteria (bacterial vaginosis). The differences include: 1.The symptoms 1.1 - Fungal infection - Itching - Burning in the vaginal area - friable whitish discharge, which later thin - Redness and swelling - sometimes pain during urination...